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Sabtu, 27 November 2010



Gadis Boneka

Siapa kau?
Dalam bingkai terpantul dua mata cokelat
Bergetar hampa
Saat semua retak, hancurlah dia

Si gadis boneka
Berceloteh riang gembira
Menari di atas awan
Seolah dia bebas, terbang di angkasa

Tapi itu hanya alunan teater
Awan dari Styrofoam
Angkasa dari besi
Dan temali bening merantainya

Oh, dia tidak sadar,
Si gadis boneka terlalu buta untuk melihat
Panggung sandiwara di sekelilingnya
Tempat dia mengangkat dagunya tinggi ke udara

Sampai kemudian semuanya kacau,
Sandiwara belum selesai namun dia bangun dari mimpi
Berteriak dan menjerit meretakkan cermin-cermin
Menggapai terus menggapai langit palsu di sangkarnya

Dan dia jatuh
Tali itu begitu transparan hingga hilang jadi debu
Dan gadis boneka
Retak, hancur di lantai kelabu

Matanya bergerak-gerak menatap hancur dirinya
Tidak tersisa, di cermin bukan lagi gadis boneka
Dia siapa?
Apa siapa?

Mengail harga diri bonekanya
Yang putus bersama temali
Oh, betapa ingin dia merangkak
Dari kurungan besi

Di kurungan besi, langit berwarna biru
Hijaunya hutan, lembutnya awan
Dunia khayal indah, panggung gadis boneka
Dan kami, mengawasi gadis boneka yang retak tanpa daya

Kehilangan jati dirinya.


nulis ini beberapa waktu lalu dan akhirnya dikasih buat tugas Bahasa Indonesia gue (semua anak kelas 12 harus bikin puisi).
agak-agak horor ternyata. :P

ceritanya tentang hancurnya identitas seseorang yang digambarkan dalam bentuk 'boneka'. hahaha...

Review: The Spook's Apprentice

Book 1 of The Wardstone Chronicles or The Last Apprentice
by Joseph Delaney
Revenge of The Witch

Rating: 5 out of 5

I'm glad I read this book in my lifetime.
too much in my mind *confused*.

okay, to sort things out, first the characters.

Tom Ward is a simple boy. he doesn't know anything about the real world and that, makes him more vincible in The Dark. he's lonely without his family and desperate for a friend but he learns things and he is capable to adapt in any dangerous situations though it seems more difficult with his naive mind (he's a kid after all).
I'm so want to hug this character! he's what you call it a real-life character!

Spook. I thought, the spook is more open up than other teacher-apprentice novels, like Darren Shan, but I can't blame him for being so strict.
he gives Tom a warning though he doesn't say the reason, that's a mistake to do to a kid. they won't do what their teacher asks anyway. but maybe because he doesn't know Tom well so he doesn't tell the reason and witches, is still a long way for Tom to learn.

Alice. she's torn. her aunt is abusive, yet she doesn't know how to escape. how could she anyway? her aunt is a witch! she can do anything bad to her! she doesn't have much chances.
poor her, I thought she is a good kid in a bad family.

Bony Lizzie. certainly, she cares about her grandmother. yet certainly, she doesn't care much about her niece.

Mam. mysterious? wise? okaaay...

Madam Malkin. I never expected that she stays in a (what? Pig killer?) body! but I can't help thinking how could Tom senses Madam Malkin? that guy comes to Jack's house after few days, there's not much chances Tom senses her!
plus, does Pigs eat meat?

Jack, he is an annoying older brother. I know how it feels, seriously.

The story.

it's well written, I don't even get any headaches reading this book though I read the english version and usually a fantasy novel has more difficult phrases to read.
I like how Delaney describes everything. okay, it's too hard to describe how much I love this book.

The Dark, witches, and everything fit perfectly in this book and I can't see the gaps on them either. maybe I was blinded, but whatever. I like the myth!
for some things, I imagined this book is in England, in 1600+ or so when witches are accused and everything.

there's something I can't understand, why does Tom and Spook go anywhere walking? sure, it's healthy but certainly riding horse is better and they don't have to stay so much nights in the woods.
plus, Tom goes alone to his house though it's far and he has to walk for days! if that happens to me, I'll be scared for the beast, bad guys, wild animals, or bees.

for the truth, I rarely give 5 stars for a first book in a series and I was thrilled about the next book, giving how cool this book was.

Almost To The Land

Little Angels

Alter Ego


Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Almost Fall

nothing stay forever
they'll wither and die
and fall to the ground

the leaf was dirty, I didn't clean it up. well...


Rabu, 10 November 2010

Hari Pahlawan

Perlukah memakai kostum biru-merah untuk menjadi pahlawan? Atau memiliki jambul seperti Superman? Pasti bukan, karena selain itu norak banget, juga teriak manggil pahlawan juga nggak membantu masalah, bisa aja Superhero lagi sibuk ngerjain ujian sekolah. Dan apakah kita hanya menjadi pahlawan di tanggal 10 november? Pasti nggak, semua bisa menjadi pahlawan KAPAN SAJA dan merubah Indonesia menjadi lebih baik bahkan meskipun kita belum punya KTP, nilai rapor jelek, dan nggak pakai kostum Batman. Asal, jangan anarkis juga. Itu sih bukan merubah, tapi merusak! Selamat Hari Pahlawan!

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Review of Shiver

First book of The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater


Rating 3 of 5 stars

after all busy days I had, this book had done and I wanted to pat my own back for my patient.
so, let's move to the review.

Grace had always looking for her wolf, the one who saved her with its yellow eyes when she was so close to death. and now, even after years passed, she would longingly wait for winter to came, the only time her wolf appeared.
there was a girl, who always sat in the cold winter while looking at the forest, that Sam always watched since the first time they met. but he never dared to approached her, until the time when he almost killed and this time, the girl saved him.
now it was getting hard to stay away and no matter how hard they wanted to be together, they couldn't. because everything would fallen apart as the freezing winter breeze touched their skin...

This is probably SPOILER. Probably...

how to put it? well, first the character.
Stiefvater made well-developed characters. I liked them, really. because they felt real and not as perfect as in usual novels. that was one star.

Grace. she was and ordinary girl. the one with ignorant parents that she had to be an independent, mature, and yet lonely teenager. her character was so real, she didn't believe in fantasy, she liked her wolves and watched the forest in winter.
but she was selfish, because she wanted Sam by her side, she would do anything even if that mean he could be killed? that was horrible!

Sam. he had abusive childhood because of his wolf side, that's why he became very secretive and feared what people might do to him.
I didn't feel he was someone dangerous, I didn't even think he could kill someone with his poetic, fragile heart. it seemed funny how this romantic boy was the one they expected to be an alpha. I doubted him that strong. seriously.

Isabel. I liked her from the start. she was very refreshing in this cold novel with her cynical, annoying behavior. but despite her popular sign on her head, she was strong and not as airheaded as popular girls could be.
plus, she was nice, for all I could see.

Olivia. I couldn't think... what were Grace and Olivia fighting anyway? it didn't make sense! I mean, just because Grace and werewolves and her photos? I knew people say best friends fight over stupid things, but that was so stupid it seemed not real.

Beck. what I imagined about him: father who had a children when he was young. that mean, he wasn't as mature as he should be. that's my impression.

Jack. a jock is a jock. the one who will bully anyone who gets on his way (or even who is not). but I couldn't blame him, no when he was so desperate to find his way.

Shelby. was Stiefvater intended to make sort of villain who will do anything for something? I didn't know. I didn't like Shelby. not because she was bad, but she wasn't my favorite kind of villain.

Grace's parents. I felt scared, what if when I'm grown up I'll be someone like Grace's mother? please don't. *put on my 'don't do' list*

the story
for all romance fans, read it. just like my aunty, who said this book was real good and now I realized I was probably spent my time reading for nothing. still, I couldn't blame her, she was so romance-ish while I preferred to buried my head on stacks of murder books.

it wasn't as if this book was worthless, because it didn't. it actually had one of the most beautiful writing I've ever read. with its poetic, sometimes I felt like I was looking on the painting of Mercy Falls, the cold winter in the forest. yes, you would find yourself not reading, it was as if written in brushes and water colors.
actually, its beautiful writing made me add one star for this book. I probably would read the english version.

still, I couldn't help to not felt bored. I mean, it was so lack of actions! (it was romance after all) and all through the book was about... love?
great. I was going to hit my head on my pillow instead.
plus, what was it about anyway? come on, Sam and Grace maybe watched each other all over the years, but actually they just met in human shape then fell in love just a minute they saw each other!
sorry, I didn't believe in love-at-the-first-sight.

plus, I could feel the blanks that weren't done in this book. maybe because this is a series? whatever.
and, how come from about the new wolves then it turned to be about meningitis? they didn't even think much about it. it was like, fever? sure! let us get the meningitis blood!
for all the science kids all over the world, do you think this is make sense? (sorry, I'm a social girl)

By the way, I was so in love with Indonesian cover! So winter-ish, very Grace, and super cute wolf! I wanted to hug him!
Sadly, the poems weren't translated that good. Even, the translate was disappointing. Good God.

will I give a try for Linger? maybe. if the third has released and people say this series is worth.
PS. I hate computer school, it makes my hand feel itched!

Golden Time

there it was in the war of Troy
the prettiest held a golden apple
the knights began to march
as the time began to stir... 

it's sepia, taken by my N78 phone. it didn't look golden at all...